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Rabbi Dr Alan & Via Kimche2022-03-29T11:58:44-04:00
Rabbi Dr Alan & Via Kimche
Topics covered: Contemporary Halachic Issues, Modern Orthodox Hashkafa, Jewish Philosophy (especially the Maharal of Prague), The Lives & Works of Great Jewish Thinkers

Rabbi Dr. Alan Kimche studied in Israel for 10 years, attending Kol Torah and the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, and learning with Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l, Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz zt”l and Rav Yehoshua Neuwirth zt’’l. He later gained a Ph.D in Philosophy & Jewish Law from London University, with his thesis on “Kavod Habriyot: Human Dignity in Talmudic Law”. Rabbi Kimche served for 35 years as the Founding Rabbi of the Ner Yisrael Community in Hendon, North West London – the only “Young Israel type” community in the UK. He was instrumental in making it one of the most successful Modern Orthodox communities in Europe. He ran many innovative adult education programs, launched the first Lunch & Learn program in London offices, and was responsible for establishing the N.W. London Eruv. Rabbi Kimche and his wife Via made Aliyah in April 2019 and are now living in Efrat. He runs a Kollel Boker program for men at Chovevei Tzion in Jerusalem, and also gives shiurim at the OU Israel Center and the Beit Knesset haNasi Adult Education Program.

Via Judith Kimche was born and raised in Post Holocaust Amsterdam in Holland. There she played an active role in Bnei Akiva, filling many leadership positions. After finishing high school, she completed 3 years of Post High School Jewish studies (Beis Yakov and Michlala) as well as earning a BSc in Psychology, Education and Womens’ Studies. She holds an Advanced Diploma in Childbirth Education, as well as an Advanced Diploma in CBT Life coaching with EFT skills. She holds a certificate for Bridal preparation (kalla teacher), Guidance counsellor, Doula as well as Parent Education.She has taught Torah for over 40 years in a variety of settings, amongst them Hasmonean High School and The Jewish Learning Centre at Ner Yisrael. In these settings she initiated various educational programs and has written new curricula (Jewish Personal and Social Health Education - PSHE, Bat mitsva, etc). She has been invited as a speaker at various International conferences on Jewish topics. In addition, she has taught Preparation for Childbirth classes for over 40 years, as well as Parenting classes, has taught countless brides, and has counselled and guided many hundreds of people. Together with her husband, Rabbi Alan Kimche, they built a wonderful, Modern and Orthodox community in North West London, Ner Yisrael, which they led for 35 years, prior to making Aliya. In her capacity as Rebbetzin she held the position of Community Director at Ner Yisrael for over 15 years.

They have been blessed with 7 wonderful children and many grandchildren. And now they are delighted to be residents of Efrat, in their ancestral homeland.

Target audience
All adults
Price range
$750 for a one-off shiur, and $2000 for a Shabbaton.

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