Dear Friends,
Teshuva, Tefillah, and Tzedaka form the central themes of our Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot prayers. The NCYI Tishrei Torah Journal (Formerly High Holiday Booklet) will provide insights into the importance of Teshuva and recognizing its significance at this time of year. Our Teffilot will be enhanced by the unique explanations and commentary in the booklet. One can perform the mitzvah of Tzedaka by placing an Ad in our booklet Donate here.
In prior years, the booklets have made a significant impact on its readers, as this one of a kind publication includes Divrei Torah on the entire month of Tishrei, with an explanation of the Hoshanos service and a brief shiur on the laws of Shemitah.
This year’s TTJ includes interesting and inspirational articles and serves as a meaningful companion to the entire Yom Tov service. The booklets will be distributed nationwide to more than 100 Young Israel Synagogue Branches throughout the country.
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Wishing you and your family a Healthy and Sweet New Year – Kesivah V’chasimah Tova to all!