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Serving its Branches, Building Communities
Pesach Torah Journal2022-03-21T15:03:56-04:00

March 2022 | Adar 2, 5782

Dear Friends,

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) will publish a Pesach Torah Journal, to be released shortly before the holiday. The journal follows highly successful volumes published for the Yamim Noraim and Chanukah.

The Pesach Torah Journal will feature several articles on Pesach-related topics written by leading rabbis, scholars and educators associated with the Young Israel movement. Like its predecessors, it will be distributed in print to more than 100 synagogues and also made available in a pdf format that Young Israel branches can send to their members and/or post on their websites. It can be expected that the Journal will reach tens of thousands of people.

We are pleased to offer opportunities for families and individuals to dedicate aspects of the journal (“in honor of” or “in memory of” loved ones, or for any other occasion. Proceeds will benefit NCYI’s programs and ongoing efforts to support its branches throughout North America.

Below is the cost of the various sponsorship opportunities:

Cover Naming Sponsor           $18,000
Lead Sponsor (early page)     $10,000
Back Cover                                 $5,000
Inside Front Cover                   $2,500
Inside Back Cover                     $1,800
Individual Articles                    $2,500
Benefactor (full page)              $1,000
Patron                                         $500
Supporter                                   $360
Donor                                          $250
Friend                                          $180

To place make a dedication, or to ask any questions, please contact

Thank you very much for your consideration.
The NCYI Pesach Torah Journal Committee