The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) has over 150 branch synagogues worldwide. As Orthodox synagogues that adhere to Torah-true Judaism and the tenets of our faith, NCYI-affiliated institutions can benefit immensely from the valuable resources that this century-old organization is able to offer.

National Speakers Bureau
Synagogues in the Young Israel network can take advantage of the opportunity to hear from unique and compelling speakers in conjunction with our Young Israel Speakers Bureau.

Young Israel in Israel
As a sign of the National Council of Young Israel’s deep connections to the State of Israel, there are Young Israel synagogues throughout Israel, including one in the community of Nevei Aliza in Karnei Shomron. We also facilitate giving Sifrei Torah to IDF outposts throughout the State of Israel.
The Council of Young Israel Rabbis in Israel (CYIR) is an association of veteran Young Israel Rabbis now living in Eretz Yisrael. The rabbanim meet in our Jerusalem offices and offer chomer l’drush, peer counseling and rabbinic training for novice rabbis. Rabbi Chaim Wasserman zt”l, rabbi emeritus, YI Passaic-Clifton was chairman of CYIR (2003-2022), leadership included Rabbi Solomon J Sharfman, Rabbi Moshe Gorelick, Rabbi Meyer Fendel, Rabbi Marvin Luban, Rabbi Sholom Gold, and Rabbi Jeffrey Bienenfeld.

The Vaad Halacha
Young Israel Council of Rabbis, which is the rabbinic arm of the National Council of Young Israel, is comprised of distinguished rabbis who provide spiritual and religious guidance to both the NCYI and its branch synagogues and their rabbinic leadership. Click here for more info.

Benevolent Association
Burial and the planning of one’s final resting place is a very sensitive and solemn journey that many of us postpone until reality forces us to look it in the eye. The National Council of Young Israel’s Benevolent Society has been serving its branches to be of help with these sensitive decisions. Our section in Eretz HaChaim, located in Beit Shemesh, is the resting place for thousands of Young Israel members who following in the path of Avraham Avinu, found solace in burial in Eretz Yisrael. Click here for more info.

Communal Affairs
In order to help those in government understand the various issues that are important to their Orthodox Jewish constituents, the National Council of Young Israel plays a pivotal role in communal affairs and works alongside elected officials who represent areas where our branch synagogues are located in an effort to promote the interests of the Jewish community.

Development and Training
The National Council of Young Israel offers training opportunities for its branch synagogues’ rabbinic and professional staff in areas such as synagogue office management.

Tishrei Torah Journal / High Holiday Prayer Service Booklet
The National Council of Young Israel prepared and made available to its branch synagogues a High Holiday booklet that explains the prayer services for our members who are in the beginning stages of learning more about Judaism, and which included more advanced articles on the tefillot for our more learned members.

NCYI Job Board
The National Council of Young Israel has set up NCYIJobs as a free e-mail based employment bulletin board to assist those in the Jewish communities in the United States, Israel and around the world in seeking employees and employment. NCYI Job Board was established in December of 2000. Today we have over 5,000 active members.
Find your next job today!
Click here to learn more:
- Post at: [email protected]
- Subscribe at: [email protected]

Israel Advocacy
The National Council of Young Israel, which has been a staunch supporter of the State of Israel since its infancy, regularly engages in widespread efforts to promote a love of Zionism, both in the United States and abroad. Recognizing the integral role that Israel plays in our lives, the NCYI frequently advocates for further strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship, supports the rights of Jews to live and raise their families in Yehuda and Shomron, and spotlights the importance of an undivided Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.

Kiruv Programs
Providing encouragement, assistance and resources to those individuals striving to reconnect with their Judaism is a vital part of maintaining Jewish identity and strengthening our Jewish communities. The National Council of Young Israel is proud to assist our branch synagogues with doing kiruv (outreach) and helping those members who desire to grow and learn more about their Jewish roots.

Lay Leadership Support Services
Synagogue lay leaders are the backbone of our community, often expending a great deal of effort and energy to enhance the synagogue experience for all. The National Council of Young Israel is pleased to serve as a resource for these tireless communal volunteers and offer assistance whenever it is requested.

National Conferences
To better serve the individual needs of Young Israel branches on a more local level, the National Council of Young Israel has presented Regional Synagogue Leadership Days throughout North America over the past several years. These special events provide synagogue leadership with practical strategies to handle the challenges they confront, including fundraising, growth, branding, marketing, and security. The Young Israel’s Synagogue Leadership Days are primarily intended to address synagogue presidents, board and committee members, sisterhood leaders, rabbis, rebbetzins, executive directors, and youth directors.

Parsha Programs & Activities
Each week, the National Council of Young Israel provides its branch synagogues with weekly Divrei Torah which feature insights on the parsha from leading synagogue rabbis and prominent Torah scholars from throughout North America and Israel. In addition, Young Israel also publishes “Parsha Nation,” which includes questions, answers, and games for youth programming purposes to ensure that our younger children can simultaneously learn and have a good time on Shabbat morning.
Click here to view the latest “Parsha Nation” and “Insights”

Political Action Campaigns
Whenever an issue arises that impacts the American Jewish community or the State of Israel in a significant way, the National Council of Young Israel is there to answer the call. The NCYI often spearheads grassroots advocacy efforts to call attention to important issues and help effectuate change in the political and communal arenas. For example, the NCYI was the only Jewish organization to spearhead a coordinated call-in campaign to the White House to support Jerusalem’s recognition in advance of the president’s declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Rabbinic Training & Placement
The National Council of Young Israel’s runs an over two decade old Rabbinic Training Program, where those that finish the program earning a post-graduate certificate in Advanced Rabbinics & Synagogue Administration from Touro College. Our Division of Rabbinic Services also provides invaluable assistance to synagogues with rabbinic searches and rabbinic contracts, in addition to organizing bi-weekly calls with Rabbi Mordechai Willig, the longtime spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Riverdale, which provide a unique forum in which pulpit rabbis from across the United States can discuss and share best practices. Further, the leadership of our branch synagogues regularly receive pertinent and vital information from our Division of Rabbinic Services, including weekly Divrei Torah. Click here for more info.

Senior Centers
As some of our members reach an advanced age where they may require various types of social and dietary assistance, it is important that they have a place they can turn to in order to receive the help and support that they need. The National Council of Young Israel is available to help its branch synagogues that have the ability to host a government- or privately-funded senior center.

Shidduch Programs
Finding ones mate is one of the most fundamental aspects of our lives, yet for some individuals in our community, it may take longer for them to locate their “bashert.” The National Council of Young Israel is able to help its branch synagogues plan and run terrific programs for singles in their community.

Sisterhood Support
In many Jewish communities, the Sisterhood play a pivotal role in their respective synagogues in the educational, religious, and social programs that are offered. The National Council of Young Israel is available to help its branch synagogues with the establishment and administration of their Sisterhood.

Special Tzedakah Campaigns
When disasters occur and tragedy strikes, it is critical that our community comes together to help those in need. The National Council of Young Israel is always ready, willing and able to mobilize its branch synagogues and enlist their assistance when the need arises. Whether it was helping children in the path of rocket fire get the essentials they need, or in the wake of Hurricane Harvey where over $100,000 was raised to help members of Houston’s Jewish community whose homes and synagogues were devastated by the storm, the National Council of Young Israel was there.

Star D
A kosher supervision of the National Council of Young Israel. In its relationship with STAR-K, all Star-D establishments and products are administered by STAR-K personnel. All standards of STAR-K are employed in Star-D certifications except for the fact that Star-D products are Cholov Stam – not Cholov Yisroel. Click here for more info.

Website Management
A comprehensive and user-friendly website where individuals can turn to for information is an essential part of a synagogue’s operations. As a result of our special partnership with ShulCloud, the National Council of Young Israel is available to help its branch synagogues design and launch a website that can bolster their online presence and serve as an important resource for their member families. Click here for more info.

Youth Program Activities
Engaging and educating our youth is an integral part of any synagogue. The National Council of Young Israel can help its branch synagogues create incredible and inspiring youth programming and activities intended to help our children and teens become more engaged with synagogue and communal life.

Young Israel ישראל הצעיר in Israel
Our Young Israel office in Israel is excited to announce that we
are renewing its position as the active Young Israel presence in
Israel. Our focus in our office is on Torah and programming. We
currently run four different programs: Judaic Heritage Program
for Deaf, Get-Refusal Prevention Project, Mental Health Pro–
grams, and Support for the IDF. If you need anything while in
Israel, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Learn more about IYIM at