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Serving its Branches, Building Communities
Branch Services2023-11-29T08:29:52-05:00
  1. Communication
    • Facilitating communication between branches for the purpose of collaboration & information sharing.
    • WhatsApp chat for the branch presidents
    • Adult, family & youth programming ideas sharing
    • Presidents Briefing weekly newsletter
    • National weekly newsletter
  1. Educational/Divrei Torah
    • 4 Min of Torah
    • Parsha Nation Classic and 2.0
    • HaMizrachi Youth newsletters
    • Parsha Divrei Torah
    • Torah Journals (Tishrei, Chanukah, Pesach) – 10,000 distributed
  1. Shul Security
    • Security education, updates, and training from CSI (Community Security Initiative)
    • Security grants and webinars from the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)
    • Security and grant webinars from FEMA
  1. Division of Rabbinic Services
    • Providing invaluable assistance to synagogues with rabbinic searches and rabbinic contracts; rabbinic development and over twenty years of rabbinic training seminars, professional development and mentoring internship.
    • Regular calls with Rabbi Mordechai Willig, shlita, which provide a unique forum for pulpit rabbis to discuss and share best practices.
  1. Joint Purchasing and Office Admin Services
    • Offering joint purchasing options at reduced rates
    • Offering expert office administrative services
  1. National Voice
    • Serving as the national voice representing the Young Israel movement in public advocacy.
  1. Fundraising
    • Coordinated a national fundraising initiative for Jews in Ukraine during the war.
    • Coordinated a number of national fundraising initiatives for Israel during Swords of Iron.